Friday, October 26, 2018

My Book Review of -



The CHronic

By:  Deborah Jeanine

Let me start with a little conversation with the beautiful author Ms. Deborah Jeanine.  Ms. Deborah why did you give me all of that bubble gum to leave me trying to blow bubbles?  
Oh my love, I found myself filling in my own unanswered questions with several of my made up scenario endings.  

Trust me readers, once you get a hold of this read right here, you will want to knock on Ms. Deborah's door with questions too.  It's like a person seemingly telling a great joke but they forget to deliver the punch line.

Now, here is the good part of having questions, we will definitely want to buy the next book hoping to get the answers and/or the "punch line". 

*****A change of heart...

Ladies and gentlemen, I had to rethink everything I initially said about "Bubblegum Marriage" because something very significant really hit me deep in my spirit.  I won't change any of what I previously said.  But, I admit, I do have a slight change of heart.

Here is why I have a slight change of heart...

For those of you who have embarked on the journey called, writing your memoir or autobiography, you know for certain that it is one of the most challenging experiences you will ever face.  There are so many highs and lows.  It's an emotional roller coaster sometimes from hell.  You come face to face with every aspect of who you were and are.  Many of those experiences bring up emotions some of us may not be ready to face.  This is why you hear stories of people spending years writing their life's story.

So, back to my spirit...

I will go out on a limb and say this is why "Bubble Gum Marriage" left me without the CHRONIC.  When I saw the words bubblegum and chronic in the title, I knew I'd get some syrupy sweetness.  That to me was a given.  However, I also thought I'd  get a bit of that 'shoooooownuff  chronic'! 

Nevertheless, guess what?  Regardless of whether I am right or wrong as to why I had to provide my own fillers, I enjoyed having this reading experience and believe me, so will you.

Drum Roll please....

I give Bubblegum Marriage the Chronic

Sunday, May 27, 2018

What A Blessing

I had the opportunity to not only read Ms. Lolitha Terry's manuscript but she allowed me to give my feedback throughout the first chapter of her book, "The P5 Blessings".  

If I had been only able to just view her book after it was published, I'd still be AMAZED.  Honestly, the only feedback I really had for her while proofing, was to add more...continue writing because I'm loving it.  Give us More!

You see, often we find ourselves relating to many authors right off the bat, although I've learned, quite a few are reluctant to tell their story.  They feel no one wants to hear about it.  Oh, how wrong they are and how wrong I have been.  There is always an audience.  We all have an audience that may often love everything we put out.  

I have to say, if Ms. Terry continues to be as authentic as she is in with "The P5 Blessings", she'll have doors flinging open to her left and right.  Not only has she shared shattered pieces of her life, she's giving readers ways to rebuild as she has.  Those who are truly in-tuned with their faith, will devour the book as well as the workbook.  I'm telling you, it's a masterpiece!

You can purchase a small version of what's in store for you, right here...right now by going through her publisher, Exhale to Excel Global Outreach and Empowerment ORG.  

The paypal link is
Payment:  PDF versions - $10 (book); $7 (workbook)
****Special Price:  Purchase both for only $15

Once you send the payment, allow 24 hours to receive the link(s).

Pre-Order the entire book now for only $19.99 (Autographed Soft Cover);  $15.99 workbook (Soft Cover) 
Both Together - $32.99

Drum Roll Please...............

I give "The P5 Blessings" 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Overcoming the Limits: You Are Unstoppable

Minister Angela B. Walker showers us with so much love, wisdom, and authenticity in her great book Overcoming the Limits:  You are Unstoppable.  

I am so honored to have shared her platform recently at the Show Up and Show Out Conference held in Antioch, TN.  Like so many who accepted her invitation, I am so grateful she sought me out to be a part of her sacred space. 

Minister Angela, I learned in such a very short time, is a generous soul who is led by God to not only win souls but to also identify with the souls she encounters.  The day I met Minister Angela I felt she is someone whom I've known forever.  She was no stranger to me at the time of meeting.  In fact, while reading You are Unstoppable, I knew the words from the book are/were her words, thoughts, and deeds.  She's just that transparent.  

What really shocked me truly is her candidness about her ordeal about her experience with domestic violence.  Not that I think she should have withheld the information.  It's just that I would have never known that was a part of her story just by looking at her.  So many people, especially women are abused daily.  Unfortunately many of them wear the scars.  I can't say that about Minister Angela.  I really had no idea.  I also had no idea she experienced the hardships she experienced as a young divorced mother of two boys.  Wow!  Thank God we don't look like what we've gone through.  Right?

I know I'm tempting you so much right now.  Trust me, I'm doing it purposely.  You must read this book! You have to read it for yourself in order to understand why I'm so passionate about getting it in your hands.  Trust me, you won't regret the purchase.  

Drum Roll.............

I give "Overcoming The Limits: You Are Unstoppable" - 5 Stars!

You Are Unstoppable” is an inspiring book loaded with revelation from God’s word. Also, lessons from the experience of the author’s journey in life, and ministry. Reading this book "You Are Unstoppa- ble" is an opportunity to be illuminated, motivated, prepared, activated, challenged, and empowered. It is time to confront life with optimism, and a sense of mission in the face of adversity or insur- mountable challenges! No matter what you go through in life you can overcome, and know that You Are Unstoppable!"

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Celebrating Women's History Month - Women Authors, their Books, and their Reviews

Pain to Purpose Book Review

What a must read! These women writers are taking their lives back by telling their stories of pain, love, betrayal, success, failure, relationships and ultimately their purpose.

What I've learned in the business of writing is that often times our manuscripts may not be perfect. We all know this. BUT the story that is told is often times most amazingly written in the midst of a raw manuscript. Life isn't perfect. Life is definitely what we make of it and what we learn in order to move to the next level or next phase in life.

Ava Brown, the compiler of Pain to Purpose, authoress, life coach, mother, former wife, and #phenomenal woman successfully gives her readers personal accounts of pain to purpose. She fills us with rawness from these ladies stories, from beginning to end. The ladies sharing their stories should be commended for opening themselves to us as they have. I am so grateful to have had an opportunity to be trusted with giving a Phenomenal Rave Review.

I call this anthology #phenomenal!


"Till I Grow"

Ladies and gents who have been depending on me to deliver another raving review. Well, I have to be transparent on this one, as I have with the other reads. Unfortunately, my review is more from a side-line perspective.

Because I have spoken with the author a few times and have read bits and pieces of the book, I must tell the truth. Due to the death of my mother, I am not emotionally strong enough to totally commit to reading this powerful piece of work. I am not strong enough to indulge in the chapters of Rayshawn McAuley's account of her trial with this "Beast" called cancer.

Unlike many, Rayshawn McAuley overcame cancer and is spreading her message of triumph. As with other #PhenomenalWomen, she rises higher and higher everyday. It is with great honor to be apart of her reading audience. Yes, I am grateful to have met her. I am grateful to have her in my midst.

So, to all of you avid readers, devour this book. If you are ready, willing and able to open your mind and heart to Rayshawn's message, please do so as soon as possible.


Felicia Lucas is a phenomenal writer with keen wisdom and insight.

"Make it Happen” is a treat for everyone who has the heart for God, love, and life. In the beginning, Felicia opens the door to her readers by adopting a transparency only a person who has a passion for helping others can do.

Although the story details segments of her life, Mrs. Lucas incorporates supporting biblical verses and biblical lessons to assist with her aim to guide readers in building a closer walk with God.

" Make it Happen” is unique in that there is a personal energy which surpasses any book I’ve read in this category. The quality is gorgeous, yet can be a book you would find on anyone’s bookshelf because of its style and grace.


Positioned 4 Power
The Working Woman’s Guide to Winning
Beat Satan at His Own Game while Maintaining Your Integrity
By Angeline Lawrence

"Workplace bullying is a serious problem for women in America. As a former target, Christ led me to deal with my perpetrators using a different approach. He did not lead me to contact the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) or a lawyer. Rather, I focused on rebuilding my spirit and worked to grow as a Christian. The question became, "How can I combat the negative impact of workplace bullying?"


I had the pleasure to not only give a review of "Positioned 4 Power" but also to serve as an editor for Ms. Angeline Lawrence's new book. What a #phenomenal experience! What a #phenomenal testimony from such a #phenomenal woman!

Ladies and gentlemen, workplace bullying is just as real as the bullying some children face on a daily basis. in fact, it is often times just as frightening if not more. For those who have never experienced bullying, then read Ms. Angeline Lawrence's book because she takes you on an explicit journey...her journey.

She gives the reader a first-hand account of her many experiences of work place bullying. Lawrence also tells us how she overcame her destructive and negative encounters by using God's word. She put on the entire Armor of God every single day armed for battle.

Again, it's hard to imagine an adult belittling another adult for any reason, especially in the work place. However, it's an ordeal many face but we never hear the stories. In fact, you'd think grown ups on a job are professional at all times. Well, think again!

My Phenomenals this is absolutely a must read.


Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Motherless Child

What do you say about a book you have no words for?  Do you call it wonderful?  Do you call it extraordinary?  Or what about phenomenal?  Well, I have to say something right?  It's my job to write a review.  Ms. Valencia your book is wonderful-extraordinary-phenomenal- and any other word that describes perfectly written.

Not only did you tell your story well, you stayed within a timeline that made it easy for any reader to follow without wondering how did I get here.  It flowed and fit like a hand in a glove.  I knew before I asked you to send me your manuscript, it would not disappoint.

Before I rate it though, I'd like to point one thing out to you and your readers.  Without giving away too much, on page 12 you really struck me when you asked (something like) if anyone ever wonder or care about the children of drug addicts.  Well, as a product of drug use, I wondered the same thing as a child.  However, I can boldly say, yes many people do wonder and care.  Often times we do not understand how society can or may turn a blinds eye to the children but many will stop at nothing to help these children like you and me.  You shared that part of your journey when you told about your dear friend Abby.

Another thing to add, I commend your strength.  I have to commend your courage. I know the depths of hell you had to visit in order to bless us with this piece of art.  So many children, I pray, will read "Motherless Child" and see themselves as I have.  They will find the strength they need to live on.  Many adults will read, I hope, and know they aren't the only ones who have struggled or still struggle.  Healing is a process.  As long as you have the courage to seek peace, you will find it.

Oh wow, I can go on all day.  I will not though.  Drum roll please....

I give "Motherless Child"

Monday, February 12, 2018

The Spiritual Battle

Sometimes there is only one word to define something and today for me, the word for Lucretia Shaw Cargill's book, is PHENOMENAL!

Before I continue with my review, I must remind my readers that my reviews are of amateur authors/writers.  I give these new writers a platform that is very rarely provided, especially to thoe who aren't writing erotica.  That's a whole 'nother story in itself.  But, I digress!

Because the message in this book is so darn remarkable, I almost forgot Mrs. Cargill is what we call amateur.  If she's not seasoned in her walk as an author, she is definitely or appears to be seasoned in her faith walk.  She constantly reminds us (the readers) of her experiences of pain, persistence, dedication, and strength while yet reminding us that we wrestle not with flesh and blood.  Therefore, we must cast all of our cares on the one who gives us life.

I enjoyed reading "The Spiritual Battle".  In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I forgot I had more books in Que.  I wanted to read every word from start to finish. I found myself trying to buy time.  I think what resonated with me is her particular style of telling her story.  I'm not sure if she knows it or not but I almost thought I was reading one of the many old school christian books my great grand mother used to have sitting in her living room.  You see, there is no fluff with this book.  There is no new age jargon...just real raw heart wrenching christian emotion. 

Yes, Lucretia took me back to my roots.  What an enjoyable experience.

Drum roll please....

I give "The Spiritual Battle"

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Broken Image

By Tera  Young

"Continuing from chapter one, About Myself, something was missing. What was missing was my innocence. It was already taken away. I had a lack of identity due to past experiences and so instead of going off to college to fulfill purpose, I was going off to college to try and seek out an identity."

In my most humble opinion, the story began or I thought it began for me after reading the quote above.  Then really shortly after, Ms. Young dropped me off right there and  then shut the door ... tightly shut.  I'm like what happened? 

I want more!!!!!  Ms. Young, you can't just leave me here wondering what happened to you as a child or young adult that makes you a person of integrity on the subject of, "brokenness".  What was your struggle?  What did it look or feel like?  You told me what it should look like to be healed but somewhere along the way I missed YOUR story before the healing. 

I think many readers will feel the same as I do.  They'll want to know so much more about what happened to Tera  that really led to her passion to write this story.  What I think is happening here, after much contemplation, is a compare/contrast sort of tale. 

Overall Ms. Young gives great biblical perspectives and then she gives the readers flashes of her personal encounters or accounts of her life. I think once the above questions are addressed, "The Broken Image" will be on it's way to SUCCESS.

Drum Roll...

I give this book -

Tuesday, January 30, 2018



By :  Dr. April Lisbon

First and foremost I'd like to say thank you Dr. Lisbon for such a remarkable expression of truth, strength, transparency, and dedication.  I think, Stretched Thin touched me more deeply than many I've read before, mostly due to the fact that I was a caretaker of an ailing parent, my mother for many many years.  I truly understand what it's like to be everything to almost everyone, to include the family member who can't care for him/herself, but to also try to keep yourself from sinking or falling into deep despair.

"The truth is, grief is a funny thing. I am battling today as to how much of myself I am willing to
share, for fear that it may create conflict with those I love.  Yet, if I am untrue to myself and my readers, writing this book will be a waste of everyone’s time, as I am not walking in my authentic truth. For me, the vision for you is that as you read this book, the words on every page will provide
light and hope in a place that has seemed to be filled with hopelessness" 

How can you get any more open that that which Dr. Lisbon expresses right at the very beginning of the book.  She sets the tone for vulnerability, not just for her but for the reader as well.  I felt right at home upon reading the first page.

This is one of the most well written books, dedicated to not only Dr. Lisbon's two boys, but it provides a road of great hope (with endearing words of truth) for those who are also traveling a not so smooth course.  But, guess what?  As with, Dr. Lisbon, the sun shines again and again even after several storms. 

I believe the lesson from this great read is that in any situation there is challenge and triumph.  No parent wants their child to go through hurts or disappointment.  No parent wants to hear the words their child or children are a little less than normal.  But, Dr. Lisbon, like many other parents have taken those words, those labels, those abnormalities and risen above them while helping the world also learn how to do the same.

Drum Roll please

I give Stretched Thin.... 5 STARS!