Friday, November 24, 2017

Book Review -

I Am Who God Says I Am

What a refreshing read!  

Minister Kiesha L. Peterson's, "I am Who God Says I am," reminds readers of all ages, of something  priceless many have forgotten.  

Through life's challenges, unfortunately we undoubtedly forget who God says we are.  We become tainted with ungodliness that sometimes feel like shackles.  But GOD!  

Minister Peterson's book is definitely one of God's beautiful conduits used to bring his children back to the realization that we are definitely who He says we are.  Here is one of the most poignant and profound sections of Peterson's book, The Mirror.

The mirror is made up of a material that allows us to see ourselves, our outward appearance. The mirror allows us to see the color of our skin, our pimples, our blotches, blemishes and deformities. The mirror lest us see when our hair is out of place, it even lets us see when tears run down our face. However, the mirror doesn’t allow us to see the goodness that God has placed inside of each and every one of us.

The Mirror resonated with me so much.  Truthfully, I am guilty of looking in the mirror several occasions, only to add special touches to this or that but there are very few times I look at myself and say, "I am Who God Says I am", which is -

-Romans 8:2
As a child of God, I am a fellow heir with
-Romans 8:17
I have been predestined by God to obtain an
-Ephesians 1:11
I have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of
-Galatians 4:7
I am God’s workmanship created to produce
good works.

Doesn't it feel good just to be reminded?  

Thank you so much Minister Peterson for gifting us with your tremendous version of God's love for us.  

Drum Roll Please....

I give this work of art   

Four Gold STARS

Friday, November 17, 2017

Don't Ever Give Up...

On Love

*This is a video review

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time for me.  I love loving family especially at this time of the year.  My husband, my children, my family and friends mean the world to me.  

This morning I realized just how blessed, how really blessed I am.  

True, there are things I desire to have.  There are places I desire to go.  However, I am finally loving where I am.  I'm thankful for where I'm going.  

Lord knows it's taken me half a lifetime to get to this place but thank God I'm here.  Yesterday I kept looking at the selfie my husband and little girl took.  As I looked at it, my emotions rose higher and higher.  I'm so grateful to have such love.  I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.  

If you desire this type of love, start by first loving where you are and what you have.  I know everyone doesn't desire the same things.  For example, after being in my secluded world with my hubby and child for a couple of years, I started to desire friends...real friends outside of my circle of the known, the comfortable, the secure.  Well, people started knocking on my door.  You know what, I'm starting to open the door wider and wider because I know they are gifts.  

This may be the love some of us desire as I did.  And, of course I'm oh so thankful for it.

The video below may express more of what I'm trying to say (Click on the word LOVE):


In this video the young man has a severe handicap that probably would have sent most women the other way, running.  Not in this case!  Not only did he gain a friend, a lover, an angel, a confidante, this young man gained a wife.

Oh let me add, I spoke to my students about their idea of love and relationships last night.  Many who know me, I mean truly knows me, know that I'm in love with LOVE.  So, I share this energy where ever I go.  OMG, most of my student's views were so bleak, I almost couldn't stand it.  But, I realized, I too was once in that very space.  Readers, I pray I'll never be in such darkness ever again.  

I've learned that love shows up the way love is truly expressed through each of us.  In essence, if you give it with expectations and motive, then you'll get the same in return.  If you give love sparingly, you'll get or not get.  

You be the judge.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Seasons Change and So Do We - Meet Terri

Seasons Change and So Do We, the fictional novel that will remind you of your very own group of girlfriends.  

Right now, get the kindle version for only $2.99 right here - Seasons Change and So Do We.


Meet the beautiful and adventurous...

Terri is the oldest and probably the prettiest (of the group's sister-friends), in a more refined and earthy way, but she will probably not agree. 

She is also the most physically competitive. There is nothing that she hasn’t done. I asked her once if she has a death wish or something. 

She goes skydiving and bungee jumping, surfs, plays hockey, and has traveled to Africa periodically to update her wildlife pictures.

Traveling to Africa’s jungles is what she has to do to make a living. How many normal sistahs or brothas would choose something like that as a profession? 

The job gives her pleasure, which is what life is all about if you ask Terri. She usually wakes up in the morning anxious about her day and goes to bed at night dreaming about all the exciting things she will accomplish the next day. Her passion for adventure runs deep. And her pictures (in words and photographs) of Africa has won her many respected awards. 

“You go girl!” is all I can say.

Did I mention, she has been dating the same guy for six years? That’s not that unusual, I suppose?  Well did I mention that he is a brotha? Really, he is.  He’s away on some safari somewhere, along with Terri. 
 As the story unfolds, not only does Nia (the main character) face several life altering challenges of her own, Terri's proud black heritage and world turns upside down when she discovers...

Seasons Change and So Do We!

For your Book Club Conversation:

Define Terril?

Do you see yourself in her?  How?  Why?

Do you know anyone like her?

What do you think may have happened in Terri’s life to make her the person she is?

What kind of friend do you suppose Terri is to Nia?

If you could write the book from Terri’s point of view, what would be one point you’d expose?

Seasons do change…what about Terri?

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Nya's Project Presents - Nya Talks About Technology

Why should you encourage your kids to have a passion for STEM?

U.S. Business leaders cannot find the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) talent they need to stay competitive. Students' lagging performance in K–12 is a critical reason why.
Not enough students, particularly students of color, have access to challenging math and science content that would prepare them for STEM careers. Far too few eighth graders have teachers who majored in math or science. Teachers of low-income and minority students often lack the resources and support they need.

Therefore, To give back to my community -
I am asking my Facebook friends to purchase and donate one book (Nya Knows Numbers) with the curriculum to an urban/inner city school and/or library for Christmas.

Here is the link -…/nya-knows-numbers/734473

It is my goal to get as many girls and kids of color the same educational advantages as their counterparts. We can't wait for anyone to move mountains for us that we can climb over ourselves.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Book Review - Excuse Proof Leadership

Have you ever picked up a book and said to yourself, "I am never putting this book down?"  OR have you ever picked up a book and knew you'd use the book over and over until it practically begged for you to just let it die peacefully?  OR have you ever picked up a book and wondered,  "Where in the bleep bleep has this book been all my life?"  Well, my dear readers this is one of those moments. 

This is one of those books. 

When I saw the word leadership in the title, I wasn't very thrilled about reading.  Here is what I mean.  We all have our favorite things to unwind to.  Right?  We all have our things we'd be okay with doing whether we are a fan or not.  Right?  Well, for me, reading about leadership hasn't been one of my favorite things, until now.  Tracie L. James, has sold me.  I am adding her book to my list of "sistah you gotta read this one" list.

Not only is Excuse Proof Leadership full of great information, the information isn't bland.  It's for the entrepreneur, non-entrepreneur, corporate person, non- corporate person, man or woman.  It's a read for anyone willing.  There is no way you'd feel anything differently.  She's a breath of fresh air.  Tracie speaks to anyone no matter where he/she is in their journey.

In fact, Tracie's way of comparing/contrasting her message with her dancing is a step above magnificent.  It fits like a hand in a glove.  Trust me, whether you are into leadership, dancing, or neither, or both you will find yourself engulfed and mesmerized in a matter of seconds. This is a gold mine for teachers of many subjects.  I know you are saying, "How much is there to learn about leadership?"  I tell you what, purchase it, read it, then comment below with the words:

"I've found leadership HEAVEN for building a high performance team!"

Drum Roll please ........  

5 starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs

Friday, November 3, 2017

There's A Jewel In You - Book Review

It gives me great pleasure to do what I love and to shout out exceptionally phenomenal books in the process. My second book, for the thirty days free book review is, "There's A Jewel In You".  It is an anthology about several women sharing a common bond - pregnancy at a very early age.  

Not only do these women share pregnancy, they share pain, purpose and promise.  What a combination.  As with any anthology, there are those stories that resonate with you. "There's A Jewel In You" doesn't disappoint.  Many of the authors, if not all, share stories that reminded me of me at an early age.  I can say you will most likely feel the same way immediately after picking up this jewel of a book.  

There is one particular story that is shared where the author vividly and phenomenally paints a picture of her life before and after giving birth.  She's a young mother of several children, who manages to keep everyone of her children from falling by the way side. Wow!  What a testimony.  

So, when you purchase "There's A Jewel In You", just know all of the women tell their stories with believable conviction and transparency.  Get ready!  You'll find yourself truly amazed at how resilient these ladies are even to this day.  

Drum Roll Please....... 

I give this book -