Sunday, May 27, 2018

What A Blessing

I had the opportunity to not only read Ms. Lolitha Terry's manuscript but she allowed me to give my feedback throughout the first chapter of her book, "The P5 Blessings".  

If I had been only able to just view her book after it was published, I'd still be AMAZED.  Honestly, the only feedback I really had for her while proofing, was to add more...continue writing because I'm loving it.  Give us More!

You see, often we find ourselves relating to many authors right off the bat, although I've learned, quite a few are reluctant to tell their story.  They feel no one wants to hear about it.  Oh, how wrong they are and how wrong I have been.  There is always an audience.  We all have an audience that may often love everything we put out.  

I have to say, if Ms. Terry continues to be as authentic as she is in with "The P5 Blessings", she'll have doors flinging open to her left and right.  Not only has she shared shattered pieces of her life, she's giving readers ways to rebuild as she has.  Those who are truly in-tuned with their faith, will devour the book as well as the workbook.  I'm telling you, it's a masterpiece!

You can purchase a small version of what's in store for you, right here...right now by going through her publisher, Exhale to Excel Global Outreach and Empowerment ORG.  

The paypal link is
Payment:  PDF versions - $10 (book); $7 (workbook)
****Special Price:  Purchase both for only $15

Once you send the payment, allow 24 hours to receive the link(s).

Pre-Order the entire book now for only $19.99 (Autographed Soft Cover);  $15.99 workbook (Soft Cover) 
Both Together - $32.99

Drum Roll Please...............

I give "The P5 Blessings" 

Friday, May 4, 2018

Overcoming the Limits: You Are Unstoppable

Minister Angela B. Walker showers us with so much love, wisdom, and authenticity in her great book Overcoming the Limits:  You are Unstoppable.  

I am so honored to have shared her platform recently at the Show Up and Show Out Conference held in Antioch, TN.  Like so many who accepted her invitation, I am so grateful she sought me out to be a part of her sacred space. 

Minister Angela, I learned in such a very short time, is a generous soul who is led by God to not only win souls but to also identify with the souls she encounters.  The day I met Minister Angela I felt she is someone whom I've known forever.  She was no stranger to me at the time of meeting.  In fact, while reading You are Unstoppable, I knew the words from the book are/were her words, thoughts, and deeds.  She's just that transparent.  

What really shocked me truly is her candidness about her ordeal about her experience with domestic violence.  Not that I think she should have withheld the information.  It's just that I would have never known that was a part of her story just by looking at her.  So many people, especially women are abused daily.  Unfortunately many of them wear the scars.  I can't say that about Minister Angela.  I really had no idea.  I also had no idea she experienced the hardships she experienced as a young divorced mother of two boys.  Wow!  Thank God we don't look like what we've gone through.  Right?

I know I'm tempting you so much right now.  Trust me, I'm doing it purposely.  You must read this book! You have to read it for yourself in order to understand why I'm so passionate about getting it in your hands.  Trust me, you won't regret the purchase.  

Drum Roll.............

I give "Overcoming The Limits: You Are Unstoppable" - 5 Stars!

You Are Unstoppable” is an inspiring book loaded with revelation from God’s word. Also, lessons from the experience of the author’s journey in life, and ministry. Reading this book "You Are Unstoppa- ble" is an opportunity to be illuminated, motivated, prepared, activated, challenged, and empowered. It is time to confront life with optimism, and a sense of mission in the face of adversity or insur- mountable challenges! No matter what you go through in life you can overcome, and know that You Are Unstoppable!"