Saturday, March 3, 2018

Celebrating Women's History Month - Women Authors, their Books, and their Reviews

Pain to Purpose Book Review

What a must read! These women writers are taking their lives back by telling their stories of pain, love, betrayal, success, failure, relationships and ultimately their purpose.

What I've learned in the business of writing is that often times our manuscripts may not be perfect. We all know this. BUT the story that is told is often times most amazingly written in the midst of a raw manuscript. Life isn't perfect. Life is definitely what we make of it and what we learn in order to move to the next level or next phase in life.

Ava Brown, the compiler of Pain to Purpose, authoress, life coach, mother, former wife, and #phenomenal woman successfully gives her readers personal accounts of pain to purpose. She fills us with rawness from these ladies stories, from beginning to end. The ladies sharing their stories should be commended for opening themselves to us as they have. I am so grateful to have had an opportunity to be trusted with giving a Phenomenal Rave Review.

I call this anthology #phenomenal!


"Till I Grow"

Ladies and gents who have been depending on me to deliver another raving review. Well, I have to be transparent on this one, as I have with the other reads. Unfortunately, my review is more from a side-line perspective.

Because I have spoken with the author a few times and have read bits and pieces of the book, I must tell the truth. Due to the death of my mother, I am not emotionally strong enough to totally commit to reading this powerful piece of work. I am not strong enough to indulge in the chapters of Rayshawn McAuley's account of her trial with this "Beast" called cancer.

Unlike many, Rayshawn McAuley overcame cancer and is spreading her message of triumph. As with other #PhenomenalWomen, she rises higher and higher everyday. It is with great honor to be apart of her reading audience. Yes, I am grateful to have met her. I am grateful to have her in my midst.

So, to all of you avid readers, devour this book. If you are ready, willing and able to open your mind and heart to Rayshawn's message, please do so as soon as possible.


Felicia Lucas is a phenomenal writer with keen wisdom and insight.

"Make it Happen” is a treat for everyone who has the heart for God, love, and life. In the beginning, Felicia opens the door to her readers by adopting a transparency only a person who has a passion for helping others can do.

Although the story details segments of her life, Mrs. Lucas incorporates supporting biblical verses and biblical lessons to assist with her aim to guide readers in building a closer walk with God.

" Make it Happen” is unique in that there is a personal energy which surpasses any book I’ve read in this category. The quality is gorgeous, yet can be a book you would find on anyone’s bookshelf because of its style and grace.


Positioned 4 Power
The Working Woman’s Guide to Winning
Beat Satan at His Own Game while Maintaining Your Integrity
By Angeline Lawrence

"Workplace bullying is a serious problem for women in America. As a former target, Christ led me to deal with my perpetrators using a different approach. He did not lead me to contact the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) or a lawyer. Rather, I focused on rebuilding my spirit and worked to grow as a Christian. The question became, "How can I combat the negative impact of workplace bullying?"


I had the pleasure to not only give a review of "Positioned 4 Power" but also to serve as an editor for Ms. Angeline Lawrence's new book. What a #phenomenal experience! What a #phenomenal testimony from such a #phenomenal woman!

Ladies and gentlemen, workplace bullying is just as real as the bullying some children face on a daily basis. in fact, it is often times just as frightening if not more. For those who have never experienced bullying, then read Ms. Angeline Lawrence's book because she takes you on an explicit journey...her journey.

She gives the reader a first-hand account of her many experiences of work place bullying. Lawrence also tells us how she overcame her destructive and negative encounters by using God's word. She put on the entire Armor of God every single day armed for battle.

Again, it's hard to imagine an adult belittling another adult for any reason, especially in the work place. However, it's an ordeal many face but we never hear the stories. In fact, you'd think grown ups on a job are professional at all times. Well, think again!

My Phenomenals this is absolutely a must read.
